Triple Flu Defense- 2023-2024 Flu Season


 Triple Flu Defense 2023-2024 to best fight the coming season’s respiratory and stomach flu.  This is a great flu shot alternative that you take 1x/week.  

Triple Flu Defense+ Advantage
  • Unique flu medicine made specifically for current season for optimal effectiveness
  • Reformulated each year to best match strains and symptoms using CDC, WHO and patient data
  • Effective for seasonal viruses, respiratory and stomach flu

Effective in managing respiratory and stomach flu.
Reduces the duration and severity of flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, body aches, headache, sore throat, cough, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.


At the first sign of the flu take 3 times per day as needed and once per week for maintenance. Adult Dose is 20 drops.

Children under 12 take 2 drops for every 10 pounds of body weight up to a maximum of 20 drops. Place drops on tongue or mix with 1 ounce of water.

One 1 fluid ounce bottle contains 60 adult doses.

 For maintenance, Triple Flu Defense is taken once per week for optimum defense throughout the flu season – October to May – and can be started at any time.  It is a natural homeopathic formula that is safe for the entire family.  It has been updated this year to address the 'special' seasonal virus we are dealing with globally. 

These homeopathic formulas are made with all HPUS* ingredients and potencies. We use organic grape alcohol to serve as a natural preservative and to also prevent microbial contamination.  Our organic grape alcohol is safe for gluten-sensitive individuals.

Active Ingredients: HPUS*……………….Purpose
Equal volumes of each ingredient in a 30C potency.

Ailanthus..............................sore throat
Anas barbariae...................general flu symptoms
Antimonium tart ...............cough, congestion
Arsenicum ...........................diarrhea, nausea
Bryonia..................................body aches, headache
Camphora.............................chills, cough, headache
Eupatorium perf.................body aches, cough         
Ferrum phos........................fever, sore throat
Gelsemium...........................chills, fever, fatigue
Influenzinum.......................general flu symptoms
Ipecac....................................nausea, vomiting
Lycopodium.........................cough, congestion
Phosphorus..........................congestion, sore throat
Phosphoricum acid...........fatigue, headache

*HPUS indicates ingredients are monographed in the official Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States

Inactive Ingredients: Organic grape alcohol 20% (v/v), USP purified water

 Warnings: If symptoms worsen or persist for more than 3 days seek advice of physician.


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