Going to that big Festival out in the Desert? August 16 2016, 1 Comment
If you are going out to the Playa this year, check out our new updated Combo Pax- Everything you need to stay healthy at Burning Man or festivals or traveling all in one convenient Pax.
Dr. Cory's ideal RX for staying healthy at these events is to take a Daily Maintenance Pax in the morning- to get your brain on line, support your liver and musculo-skeletal system, and provide your body with a powdered full-spectrum,bioavailable multi-vitamin-mineral-electrolyte formula that is stevia sweetened ( lightly- they taste good). And then to take a Booze Pax or and Extreme Pax at night- depending upon what you get into. Do that and you are golden.
Check out the Playa Pax, Psychonaut Pax or Playa Warrior Kit- ideal for Burning Man.
Miranda Wilson on October 30 2016 at 08:50AM
I attempted to get the Dr. Cory’s Festival Health Survival Guide via the ‘email’ box down below and ended up at a missing link page. Is this still available? Thanks a million! Miranda